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Alina ROTENBERG. THE MUSICAL COMPROMISE. Some advice to singers and coach-pianists of opera. 2d edition revised and completed

“The Musical Compromise” book is a result of A. Rotenberg's many years experience of work as a coach-pianist of opera. It is written in an easy and intelligible language, contains a good number of professional advice and can be safely taken for a practical manual for both the author's colleagues and the soloist who will find in it much useful material for work on their own. Surely, the edition is first of all addressed to the young pianists, who have decided to devote themselves to the cause of working in the opera house. 
2d edition completed with chapter “Competitions”, which, in opinion of the author, is being actual nowadays. A.?Rotenberg describes in details not only a process of preparation, but as well as the specificity of performance of competition programs.


Vladimir Mazel. Motion is My Life


Леонид Грауман. Мой ребенок будет скрипачом. Советы родителям

В фокусе внимания книги — вопросы детского обучения игре на скрипке. Автор рассматривает проблему занятий дома и в классе, аспекты профессионального и физического здоровья, непростые многосторонние взаимоотношения педагога, репетитора, ученика и его родителей и многие другие вопросы воспитания скрипача, профессионала или любителя, на примере собственного как педагогического, так и родительского опыта. 
